As EVs surge in popularity, utilities have new opportunities to partner with customers in creative and beneficial ways. One of the most exciting is engaging customers to charge their cars in concert with utility rates and system peak loads, all with no new hardware to install in the vehicle or in the home!
On this webinar:
Brian Greenfield, Regulatory Analyst, Energy Efficiency, Eversource will discuss the importance of understanding EV charging patterns, educating customers about EV charging, and ultimately managing EV demand on the grid.
Scott Dimetrosky, President, Rolling Energy Resources will share how they are monitoring EV battery state-of charge, charging location, and time, to enhance customer education and economics while coordinating this resource to the dynamic load conditions on the local grid.
Kim Johnson, Key Account Manager, Apogee will demonstrate how using video messaging, and artificial intelligence to target homes with EVs, creates a personalized, proactive, and positive experience, that has proven to be highly impactful to customers and increases program participation.
Join us for a one-hour whirlwind tour of how marrying cutting-edge communication techniques with monitoring and charge control can up the game of any utility EV program.
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Brian Greenfield, Regulatory Analyst on the Energy Efficiency team at Eversource Energy, the largest energy delivery company in New England
Brian has one guiding question: How do we achieve net zero carbon? To that end, Brian specializes in the economic valuation of decarbonization policies and distributed energy resources. His favorite projects include designing the Mass Save Passive House program, coordinating the New England Avoided Energy Supply Cost (AESC) Study, and supporting Eversource’s energy efficiency and grid modernization dockets in MA, CT, and NH. Brian holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Boston University and is pursuing a master’s degree in Sustainability through the Harvard University Extension School.
Scott Dimetrosky, President of Apex Analytics and CEO at Rolling Energy Resources
Mr. Dimetrosky has led planning and evaluation studies for dozens of utility energy-efficiency, load management, and market transformation programs. He is currently providing technical and analytical oversight for some of the largest energy efficiency programs in the country, including utilities in Massachusetts ($1 billion/year spending) and Illinois (over $350 million/year spending). As a co-founder of RER, Mr. Dimetrosky helps coordinate all aspects of the business, including utility outreach, software development, and end-use customer MyCharge reporting. Mr. Dimetrosky was a founding member and principal at Quantec, LLC, which merged with the Cadmus Group in 2008. During his 13 years with Quantec and Cadmus, he led some of the largest evaluations in the United States. Mr. Dimetrosky has an M.B.A. in Marketing Research & Quantitative Methods from Cornell University and a B.A. (Magna Cum Laude) in Sociology from the University of Michigan.
Kim Johnson, Key Account Manager, Northeast
Kim has spent 25 years in technology sales. Before joining Apogee, she held the position of Vice President of National Accounts for GTxcel, a Massachusetts based digital publishing software provider, providing digital strategy and execution of solutions to meet customers’ goals. As a thought leader, Kim served on the Board of Directors for Association Media & Publishing. Kim currently works with some of Apogee’s Eastern clients such as Duquesne, Con Edison, Orange & Rockland and Eversource. Kim holds a Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders from the University of New Hampshire.